Mark Spevick - iMasterArt

Mark Spevick
CG Artist

Con più di 15 anni di esperienza alle spalle, ho iniziato la mia carriera nella VFX Industry come laureato in belle arti lavorando per la BBC e Artem (fra i tanti) come specialista in physical special effects.
Ho lavorato in molti show realizzando oggetti di scena, modelli ed effetti pirotecnici.

Fui fortunato abbastanza da ottenere un lavoro come fattorino per Peerless Camera Company (la casa di effetti speciali di Terry Gilliam).
Il mondo degli effetti speciali stava cambiando ed io volevo cambiare con lui. E’ proprio a Peerles che ho imparato l’arte tradizionale dell’optical compositing.
Velocemente Peerless adottò l’approccio digitale ed in men che non si dica mi ritrovai ad imparare Flame e Softimage.

Il mio momento arrivò quando Maya one fu rilasciato ed ebbi l’occasione di fare alcuni test per la neve digitale del film Vertical Limit (per il quale mi sono ritrovato a fare un centinaio di shot).
Da lì in poi venni riconosciuto come "quello degli effetti particellari".

Quando Benigni venne da noi per fare Pinocchio, mi venne affidato il compito di realizzare il suo naso.
Fui costretto a trackare tutto (di nuovo un centinaio di shot) a mano, dato che ai tempi non esistevano ancora software adibiti al tracking.

Il lavoro fu notato dai ragazzi ad MPC che mi assunsero come lead camera tracker per il film Troy.
Qui mi sono ritrovato ad insegnare il lavoro ai ragazzi, mentre avevo 400 shot da preparare al contempo. Fu un’esperienza eccezionale.

Da qui iniziai a lavorare diviso tra Peerless e Double Negative finché non ebbi l’opportunità di insegnare ad Escape Studios… un’esperienza che trovai immensamente appagante.
Decisi di restare e, ad oggi, ho insegnato l’arte dei VFX per 5 anni.

Ho avuto la fortuna di veder crescere e maturare questa industria in questi 15 anni, averne fatto parte e poterlo insegnare mi stimola tantissmo.

English version

I have over 15 years experience in the VFX industry starting out as a fine art graduate who started working for BBC and Artem among others as a physical special effects person.
I worked on a variety of shows specialising in making props, models and pyrotechnics.

I was fortunate enough to then get a job a a runner for Peerless camera company (Terry Gilliam’s special effects house).
The FX world was changing and I wanted to move with it.
It was at Peerless that I learned the traditional art of optical compositing.
Quickly Peerless adopted the digital approach and before long I was learning flame and softimage.

My break came when maya one had just came out and I managed to do some good tests of digital snow on a film called Vertical Limit.
I ended up doing about 100 shots for that movie.

From there on I became know as the particle FX guy.

When Begnini came to us to do Pinnochio I had the job of doing his nose.
This required hand tracking about 100 shots again as no software was available at the time that could do this.

It was this job that was noticed and I was hired by MPC as the lead camera tracker for Troy.
This was where I first trained people up to do the job whilst having to deliver over 400 shots.
It was a great experience.

From here I worked between Peerless and Double Negative.
I had the opportunity to teach at Escape studios…an experience I found incredibly rewarding.
I decided to stay and have been teaching our art of VFX for 5 years now.

I have had the benefit of seeing the digital effects industry grow and mature over the last 15 years and am really excited to have been a part of it and to share my experiences with my students.

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