Dan LuVisi - iMasterArt

Dan LuVisi
Concept Artist

Dan LuVisi!

Dan LuVisi è un concept artist che lavora per l’industria cinematografica, dei video game e fumetti.

Da sempre lavora per i grandi nomi del settore, come Batman e Superman per la DC Comics, seguiti dai lavori per Hasbro, FOX, Universal, Microsoft e diverse compagnie di videogames.

Attualmente sta lavorando nel trasformare il suo libro in un film.

I.P. Development – Danny parlerà dell’illustrazione digitale oltre a condividere le sue storie su come ha creato la sua IP, e come puoi farlo tu stesso.

English Version

BIO: Dan LuVisi is a digital concept artist working in the film, video game and comic book industry. He has since worked for some of the biggest entities in their field, and worked on Batman and Superman for DC Comics, followed by work for Hasbro, FOX, Universal, Microsoft and a number of gaming companies.

He is currently working on turning his book LMS into a feature film!

I.P. Development – Danny will demonstrate digital painting as well share with you his stories about how he created his own IP, and ways you can go about doing it yourself!

Per vedere i lavori di Danny visita: www.danluvisiart.com/

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